Really now?
Is being fair that important to being successful and popular? Does it all boil down to that one physical attribute?
Come to think of it, by that logic, I should be blaming my grandmother and mother for not having used Fair & Lovely when they could have. If only they'd thought about it, then all the generations to come wouldn't have had to deal with being dark!
Does that even make sense?
It's a logic I always found thwarted - If you're dark, you can't be successful. If you're dark you can't have something 'zyaada' in life..
I am dark and I have a lot of zyaada in my life. Zyaada self confidence minus the fairness cream, to begin with.
Weird how advertising giants stoop to these levels to get their job done. Then again, this is my opinion. The opinion on a blog writer. If these kinds of advertisements need to be written off, it's going to take more than just one person's opinion. People have got to wake up to the idea of understanding how ridiculous these fairness products and their claims are.